Initial setup of MODX 3

Getting Started
Detailed instructions on how to set up MODX 3 after installation.

MODX 3 System Settings

Go to MODX admin panel, in the left menu (in the lower corner) click on the gear and select “System Settings“.

Transition to MODX 3 system settings

Here you can filter the settings: by components installed in the system (where core), as well as core settings by category (filter by section).

We will configure in order (by category) for the core. There is no point in describing all the settings, you can see the description of each setting by clicking on the plus sign on the left. Let’s consider only the most necessary ones.

Authorization and security

Allow users to use one email address – allow_multiple_emails – No. This way we prohibit different users from using the same email.

Email address – emailsender – specify a working email (we will link forms to it later).

Background image for the login page – login_background_image – if you want to replace the image for the login to the admin panel, adjust this setting as follows: /path-to-image.resolution.
Changing the image of the entrance to the MODX 3 administrative panel

Login page logo – login_logo – just like with the login background image, you can specify a new logo. We will get an updated look for the entrance.

Logo for the login page

File system

Allowed files for upload – upload_files – here is a list of permissions that can be created from under the admin panel in the files tab (edit them, rename and delete). For example, by default, from under the admin panel we will not be able to, for example, create a .htaccess file or rename the ht.access file to .htaccess in the core/ folder, we will get the error File extension “ is not allowed, we also cannot edit php, etc. Therefore, if you really want to add or edit from under the admin panel (which is prohibited by default), we need to add the necessary extension there.

Transliterate names of uploaded files? – upload_translit – Yes (set by default), if problems arise when uploading files, you can try to disable this setting.

Dictionary and language

Language – cultureKey – ru (this should be the default, but check it anyway).

Locale — locale — ru_RU.utf8 (to generate dates with month names)

Character encoding – modx_charset – by default it is UTF-8, in theory this is the best option, but if you chose utf8_general_ci encoding when installing MODX, then it is most likely more appropriate to use unicode encoding.


Strict request method — request_method_strict — Yes (disabling access to the page by id)

Management system

Default file source – default_media_source – 1 (there will be a separate lesson, skip it for now).

URL of the favicon of the management system – manager_favicon_url – here you can specify the path to the favicon of the site itself (if you have one).

Control panel logo – manager_logo – if you have a logo (preferably square), you can specify the path to it.

First day of the week – manager_week_start – 1 (Monday in Russia).

Field for the name of the node in the resource tree – resource_tree_node_name – menutitle (so that the names of the resources in the tree on the left are shorter).

Field for a tooltip for a node in the resource tree. – resource_tree_node_tooltip – alias (so that you can understand what the resource address is).


Hide from menu by default – hidemenu_default – Yes (unless you have a business card site). By default, the “Display in menu” checkbox will be unchecked for newly created resources (pages). It can be enabled at any time. But why uncheck the box again, because not all pages of the site created in the future will be displayed in the menu. By setting the option to “Yes”, you will not need to perform any unnecessary actions in the future.

Publish by default – publish_default – Yes. The same story as with the previous option, only the other way around. When creating a page, the “Publish” mark will already be there. If the resource is not published, it will not be available to site visitors. But we are creating public pages, right?

URL scheme – link_tag_scheme – full. Full paths to resources will be generated.

Site name – site_name – enter the name of the site, available for insertion later by the placeholder [[++site_name]]. Any name, for example, Construction company OOO “Roga i Kopyta”.

The site is published — site_status — Yes (while the site is under development, it is better to hide it, an unauthorized user will see a message about the site being unavailable — the next setting).

System and server

Displaying the RSS feed “MODX News” — feed_modx_news_enabled — No (removing the news widget from the main screen)

Displaying the RSS feed “MODX Security Notifications” — feed_modx_security_enabled — No (removing the “MODX Security Notifications” widget from the main screen)

Deprecated functions in the error log — log_deprecated — No.

Other settings categories

Caching — optimally configured.

Visual editor — skipped, because it is not there yet, and when it appears, he should make all the settings himself.

Friendly URLs — skipped, because for normal settings you will need to install an add-on, there will be a separate article: Configuring the CHPU.

Mail — here you can configure sending mail via SMTP, skipping for now.

phpThumb – there will be a separate lesson.

Proxy – settings exclusively for those whose server uses a proxy (we will not analyze isolated cases).

Sessions and cookiesskip.

Static elements — you can configure those who work with files (there will be a separate lesson).

At this point, the primary settings can be completed. These are far from all the settings; we will make the remaining settings as the site is developed.

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