Download MODX 3

Download the latest version of the open source content management system MODX.

Current Version: 3.1.0 (rel. 18-Dec-2024)


Traditional Installation Package

To install this software, follow the basic installation guide.

Download (23MB)

Advanced Installation Package

These packages are slightly less than half the size of the “Regular” downloads, since the “core” contents are compressed. MODX Setup will try to unpack or “build” this package during install. It’s recommended you only use this if you plan to move the core, manager or connectors directories, and you have SSH access and are familiar with making folders writable.

Download (14,6 МБ)

SDK Installation Package

Includes the MODX Revolution build assets, ExtJS debug files, and additional features for MODX Extras developers.

Download (24,3 МБ)

Server Requirements Overview

The guidelines below are the minimal and recommended versions of software to run MODX Revolution.

Component Minimum Required Recommended for Production
PHP 7.2.5 7.4, 8 Supported
Database Latest MySQL 5.6.x MariaDB 10.1.x or Percona Server 5.6.x or above
Web Server Latest Apache 2.2.x Latest NGINX 1.18.x or above

Previous issues

3.0.6-pl (релиз от 9 декабря 2024)

modx-3.0.6-pl (22,9 мб)

modx-3.0.6-pl-advanced (14,5 мб)

modx-3.0.6-pl-sdk (24,1 мб)

3.0.5-pl (релиз от 10 апреля 2024)

modx-3.0.5-pl (22,8 мб)

modx-3.0.5-pl-advanced (14,5 мб)

modx-3.0.5-pl-sdk (24,1 мб)

3.0.4-pl (релиз от 3 октября 2023)

modx-3.0.4-pl (22,8 мб)

modx-3.0.4-pl-advanced (14,4 мб)

modx-3.0.4-pl-sdk (24,1 мб)

3.0.3-pl (релиз от 17 января 2023)

modx-3.0.3-pl (26,2 мб)

modx-3.0.3-pl-advanced (17,8 мб)

modx-3.0.3-pl-sdk (27,5 мб)

3.0.2-pl (релиз от 16 ноября 2022)

modx-3.0.2-pl (25,7 мб)

modx-3.0.2-pl-advanced (17,4 мб)

modx-3.0.2-pl-sdk (27 мб)

3.0.1-pl (релиз от 28 апреля 2022)

modx-3.0.1-pl (25,4 мб)

modx-3.0.1-pl-advanced (17 мб)

modx-3.0.1-pl-sdk (26,6 мб)

3.0.0-pl (релиз от 30 марта 2022)

modx-3.0.0-pl (25,2 мб)

modx-3.0.0-pl-advanced (16,9 мб)

modx-3.0.0-pl-sdk (26,5 мб)

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