Installing MODX 3 on hosting

Installing MODX 3 on hosting Getting Started

Before you start the installation, you must make sure that your server meets the server requirements. You must also have purchased hosting and domain< (usually you can buy it directly from the hoster).

Automatic installation of MODX 3 on hosting

90% of hosting providers have a function for automatic installation of various CMS, on different hostings the auto installers are called differently, for example on with cPaner hosting the section is called Softaculous Apps Installer.


In the Search text box, type modx and then press Enter.

Alternatively, you can use the navigation pane on the left side. To do this, click Portals/CMS, and then click MODx.

You will be taken to the Overview page to see more information about this software.

install modx

Go to the Install tab

For Quick Install

Select “Quick Install”, and follow the next step. The next two boxes require your Domain and the Directory.

The Directory is relative to your Domain and should not exist. e.g. To install at http://mydomain/dir/, type “dir”. To install only in http://mydomain/, leave this empty. If you have multiple Domains associated with this account, you can select where to install it.

Finally, fill in your Admin Account details. Then click “Install” to finalize the Quick Install process.

For Custom Install

If you choose a “Custom Install” enter a Site Name and under Advanced Options you can also choose a new Database Name for a Database to be created for the installation and enter a Table Prefix, if necessary. You can change this later from the application’s Admin Panel.

install modx

Fill in your Admin Account details and click “Install” to finalize the Custom Install process.

After clicking “Install” in either process, the software will be installed, and you can view your new site by clicking the Installation link.

Скрин входа в админку

Your new installation of MODx is now ready for use.

If your hosting does not have automatic installers or you simply want to install the engine yourself, then read on.

Manual installation of MODX 3 on hosting step by step

Download MODX 3

Download MODX from our website or from the official English-language website.

Upload files to the server

You can upload files using an FTP client (for example, FileZilla), for this you first need to unzip the distribution). Or using a file manager.

Upload the downloaded archive with the MODX distribution to the server (to the root directory of the site). Then unpack it and copy or move all the files from the modx-3.x.x-pl folder to the root directory.

Create a database

Create a database and a user for it on your hosting, usually this is the MySql tab. Make sure that your database user is associated with the new database and has been granted permission for all privileges for this database.

Install MODX

Launch the installation by going to the setup/ folder in the browser address bar (for example,

Before starting the installation, make sure that the core/cache/ and core/config/ folders are writable in PHP.

At the beginning of the installation, you will be shown a welcome screen and you can select the installation language. Click Next when you are ready.

The next step will take you to a screen with some installation options:

Installation options

The New installation option should be the only available option to choose. If you need to adjust file permissions for your web server, you can do so in the text boxes below. The default values ​​​​should be fine for most servers.

I recommend unchecking the “Send X-Powered-By header” option.

The next window will display a form asking for information about your database:

Database connection and authorization information

  • Add the database server name, which is the URL where your database is located. For most users, this will be ‘localhost’.
  • Enter your database username. On some hosts, your database username is preceded by the site owner directory name, such as siteOwner_modxDatabase. In this case, you will need to enter the full database name. Go to your hosting database management section or check the database itself if such a prefix is ​​available.
  • Your username may also be prefixed with the same name as the site owner’s directory. If so, you will need to specify this prefix before your username, i.e. siteOwner_databaseUserName.
  • Enter your password.
  • In this form, if you wish, you can specify a different database table prefix (recommended). All tables during the MODX installation will be created with this prefix – this is useful if you want to do multiple MODX installations on the same database.

Click the “Test” button to test the connection to the database server and display a list of available mappings.

If you have any errors, they will be shown below. If there are errors, check that your database username and password are correct. Additionally, if your user does not have access to create a database, you may need to do this manually.

The following form contains the settings for the encoding and collation of your database:

select connection encoding

Most users can leave these values ​​as they are. However, if you need to change them, make sure that the collation matches the encoding. Click ‘Attempt to create or retrieve from the database’ after you are done.

Next, you need to create a default Administrator.

administrator information

This form displays several fields for setting up your administrator. Enter the username you want to use as your administrator username.

It is not recommended to use ‘admin’ as your administrator username, as it is the most commonly used and most frequently tested by hackers. In the same window, enter your email address (or your administrator email) and enter a password. Click Next when finished.

Some host server settings prevent MODX from sending emails if the emailsender System Setting (set from the admin email value during installation) is set to an invalid email address for the domain. If MODX is not sending emails during registration or from forms, check the emailsender setting and set it to a valid email address for the hosted domain.

MODX will then proceed with the necessary checks to ensure that your system is ready for installation.

system is ready for installation

If any of this fails, you will need to follow the instructions to ensure that your software environment meets the Server requirements and has the correct write permissions to the directories.

When everything is ready and all checks are passed, click ‘Install’.

If you get a blank screen or are unable to continue after clicking ‘Install’, check the following steps:

  1. Make sure the /core/packages, /core/cache, /core/import, and /core/export directories are writable.
  2. Make sure your php.ini settings have memory_limit set to 128M and max_execution_time set to 120.
  3. Create an empty /core/config/ file and make it writable. DO NOT COPY! Just make an empty file!

In the next step, MODX will tell you if any errors occurred during the installation and will prompt you to try reinstalling if any errors occurred.

Installation Report

When the installation is successfully completed, click ‘Next’ to continue and you will be presented with a final option:

Final - Delete Directory and Files

MODX recommends that you always delete the setup/ directory after installation to protect your site from anyone who might try to run an installation on your site. To do this, check the box ‘Check this to remove the installer directory and files from your server.

WARNING: The installer provides full and comprehensive control over your server. DO NOT leave the installation folder after MODX installation is complete.

When you are done, click ‘Login’ to see the login form for the admin part of the site.

Login to the admin panel

You are done! Next, let’s analyze the admin panel.

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