Date formats or how to display dates in MODX 3

Date formats Website development
A guide to displaying and formatting dates (publishing, updating/editing resources, etc.) in MODX Revolution.

MODX is written in PHP, and as such relies on the core PHP date functions, such as strftime. The discussion here can be quite complex because the strftime and strtotime functions deploy similar arguments, but they are not identical.

The discussion here pertains primarily to the following content areas:

  • createdon — creation date;
  • deletedon — deletion date;
  • editedon — last edit date;
  • publishedon — date the resource was published;
  • pub_date — date the resource should appear in the publication;
  • unpub_date — unpublish date.

Unix timestamps and formatted dates

Depending on the source and method of obtaining the value, you may get either a Unix timestamps or a formatted date. Unix timestamps are recognized as a large integer (representing the number of seconds since January 1, 1970).

In MODX date output modifier, which is used to format dates using the PHP strftime() function, expects a unix timestamp. To convert a formatted date to a unix timestamp, you will use the strtotime output modifier.

So if a value of, say, [[*madeon]] returns a formatted date, you need to first convert it to a unix timestamp using [[*madeon:strtotime]] before you can format it with date , but if the value immediately returns a unix timestamp, you can skip this.

General Examples

It’s impossible to list every possible example, but here are some common ways to format dates using MODX output filters.

Example output Filter parameters
Thu Apr 14, 2011 [[*createdon:strtotime:date=`%a %b %d, %Y`]]
18 April 2011 [[*createdon:strtotime:date=`%d %B %Y`]]
Monday, April 18, 2011 [[*createdon:strtotime:date=`%A, %B %d, %Y`]]
2011-04-18 [[*createdon:strtotime:date=`%Y-%m-%d`]]
Depends on configuration [[*createdon:strtotime:date=`[[++manager_date_format]]`]]

All parameters

The date output modifier internally implements the PHP strftime function, so all strftime documentation applies to the date output modifier as well.

To change the language used by the date output modifier (e.g. for day and month names), configure the locale in the system settings in MODX accordingly.

Code Display Example
%a Short name of the day of the week Sun
%A Full name of the day of the week Sunday
%b Short name of the month Jan
%B Full name month January
%c Local date and time Wed Jan 7 00:22:10 2010
%C Century (year divided by 100, range from 00 to 99) 20
%d Day of the month (01 to 31) 03
%D Same as %m/%d/%y 04/29/10
%e Day of month (1-31) 3
%H Hour (24-hour clock) 00-23
%I Hour (12-hour clock) 01-12
%l (lowercase L) Hour in 12-hour clock with a space preceding one digit 1-12
%j Day of the year 001 to 366
%m Month 01 to 12
%M Minute 00 to 59
%n Newline \n
%P before or after noon am
%p Before or after noonня AM
%r Same as %I:%M:%S %p 08:23:11 PM
%R Same as %H:%M 23:11
%S Second 00 to 59
%t Symbol tabs \t
%T Same as %H:%M:%S 26:12:27
%u Day of the week (Monday=1) 01 to 07
%w Day of the week (Sunday=0) 00 to 06
%x Only date 01/25/09
%X Time only 02:58:12
%y Two-digit year 09
%Y Four-digit year 2025
%Z or %z Time zone offset or name -005 or EST
%% Literal % %

Server Compatibility Note

Not all servers support all formatting options, in particular on Windows “%e” is not supported, and “%z” and “%Z” return the time zone name instead of the offset. On Mac, %P is not supported.

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