Installing (enabling) PHP extensions in Xampp.
To enable the necessary PHP extensions, such as GD in Xampp, do the following.
Open the XAMPP control panel, start Apache and MySQL, then click the Config button next to Apache, in the pop-up window, click on the php.ini item.
The php.ini file will open, find the fileinfo extension in it. The easiest way to do this is through a search (CTRL+F and in the search window, type extension=fileinfo)
Under extension=fileinfo is the extension we need – gd, to enable it, remove it from the beginning ;/ In the same file below you will find extension=zip, also remove ; before it.
Save the file and close it.
Go back to your Xampp control panel and restart the apache server.
That’s it, now PHP GD and PHP ZIP are successfully installed in your XAMPP.